About Everest International
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Contact Shashi


Welcome to Everest International
Mail Order Business!
The Home-Based Business Development and Research Center.

Good Morning                                                10.00 a.m
Dear Sir/Madam,
                    Thank you for your recent, valued inquiry regarding our unique hugely popular Mail Order Business Projects. (These are just  paper work! at your home). This is your first contact with us you're welcome.
                 We don't mind telling you it's not everyone in your town who is getting a chance to receive this exciting opportunity. Now the doors of Mail Order Business world are open to you! Mail Order is of-couse a very attractive business for many reason, mainly because of it's business, which can be run from home in your spare Time ! there is no face-to-face contact, so its an ideal business for anyone, a Hosewife, student,employed,unemployed,retired person or anyone who wants an additional income opportunity in his/her spare time or full time , but biggest attraction is the concept of letters containing cheques, postal orders, and money orders. cash being pushed through your letter Box each morning ! we are offering you a solid respectable, truly high-class business opportunity. However it is not as some would believe-easy, but it can be very rewarding and great  fun. In our home based Mail Order Course we'll teach you how to make best use of your spare time and earn handsome income, just follow our course of proven instructions and start getting a huge Monthly income by utilizing your own comfortable time and place.
      Atlast, before you read the Circular and Order "Mail Order Business" keep in mind that its 100% sure thet You'll earn Rs. 9800/- evrey month.
      Please take few minutes to read the enclosed circular carefully. It can change the rest of your life,as you take-up the decision !
                                      BEST PERSONAL REGARDS
                                            Yours Sincerely
                                             Shashikala . K

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It's your turn to get rich ! In this paper work. I Build a fortune. Mail Order home ....Sucess Guarented !

PS: Please do not read the enclosed circular if you are not interested in making handsome income in you own part time Business!
Or you do not believe that this can happen
Or you are truely satisfied with what you are earning !

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